The Tempo feature in the Measures Panel of Reflow allows you to define and adjust the speed and rhythmic feel of your composition. Tempo, typically measured in beats per minute (BPM), indicates how fast or slow the music should be played.

Reflow provides the flexibility to change the tempo at any measure, specify the beat type, and apply a shuffle feel (also known as swing or triplet feel), enabling you to convey precise rhythmic and expressive nuances in your music.

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Understanding Tempo

Changing the Tempo

Shuffle Feel (Swing or Triplet Feel)

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Practical Applications

The Tempo feature in Reflow provides comprehensive tools to manage the speed and rhythmic feel of your music. By allowing you to set BPM, specify the beat type, and apply shuffle feels, Reflow ensures that your compositions are notated with precision and clarity, enabling performers to accurately interpret the intended tempo and rhythmic character.