Reflow offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing repeats within your musical compositions. These tools help streamline the notation process and guide performers through the intended structure of the music. The available repeat types in Reflow include repeat measures using Simile signs, adding repeat start and end barlines with repeat counts, and using musical directions such as Coda, Segno, Fine, and various jumps. These elements are essential for creating clear and efficient sheet music that accurately represents the form and flow of a piece.

Repeat Measure (Simile Sign)

Capture d’écran 2024-06-26 à 14.41.04.png

Repeat Start/End Barline and Repeat Count

Capture d’écran 2024-06-26 à 14.42.27.png

Musical Directions: Coda, Segno, Fine, and Jumps

Practical Applications

The Repeats of Measures feature in Reflow provides powerful tools to manage the structure and flow of your music. By utilizing Simile signs, repeat barlines, and musical directions like Coda, Segno, and Fine, you can create clear and effective notations that enhance the readability and performance of your compositions.