Playback Control in Reflow

Play/Stop Button

In Reflow, you can initiate playback and stop it at any time using the Play/Stop button. On macOS, this button is conveniently located in the toolbar, while on iOS devices, you can find it in the bottom left corner of the screen.

This feature allows you to easily control when your score begins playing and when it stops, providing flexibility during practice sessions and composition.

Loop Playback of Selected Measures

Another powerful feature in Reflow is the ability to select a range of measures and play them in a continuous loop. This functionality is particularly useful for practicing specific sections of your composition or focusing on challenging passages.

By selecting the desired measures and starting playback, Reflow automatically loops through the chosen range, allowing you to refine your performance and musical interpretation effectively.

By utilizing these playback features in Reflow, musicians and composers can enhance their practice routines, refine their compositions, and achieve greater precision and control over their musical performances.

Live Edit Mode in Reflow

Reflow's Live Edit mode revolutionizes the workflow by enabling users to modify the score seamlessly while playback is in progress. This innovative feature ensures uninterrupted creative flow, allowing composers and musicians to make real-time adjustments to their compositions without pausing playback.

Whether refining musical phrases, adjusting dynamics, or fine-tuning notation details, Live Edit mode empowers users to interact with their music dynamically.

Key Benefits:

Practical Applications: