The Key Signature feature in the Measures Panel of Reflow allows you to define the tonal foundation of your composition by specifying the number of flats or sharps and selecting the major or minor mode. This feature is crucial for establishing the harmonic context and guiding performers in understanding the scale and key of the music.

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Understanding Key Signatures

A key signature indicates the set of pitches that form the basis of a composition, typically corresponding to a specific scale. The key signature is placed at the beginning of each staff and consists of a series of sharps (#) or flats (b) that apply to the notes throughout the piece.

Changing the Key Signature

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Practical Applications

The Key Signature feature in Reflow empowers composers and arrangers to accurately define the tonal and harmonic framework of their music. By selecting the appropriate number of flats or sharps and specifying the major or minor mode, you ensure that your compositions are clearly notated and effectively communicate the intended key to performers.